Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Review

Just a quick hit on this review. Gave this beer a shoot a few nights ago after a grueling tennis match. A buddy left me one as a "victory" beer. It has been documented that I am not a big fan of Sierra Nevada. Not sure what it is but their beers and I just don't get along for some reason. This one was ok. Didn't really stack up to my standards as far as a barleywine. It had a decent hop note in the middle and was a tad sweet but nothing really stood out. I want a barleywine to stand up and announce what it is. This one really tasted much closer to just a strong dark ale. I'll happily drink it if handed to me for free but I don't really think I will go out of my way to buy or order this one anytime soon (unless I need it for my Taco Mac passport card). Anyway, maybe it is a good introduction to barleywines if you have never had one and want to wade in to the pool instead of jumping right in with a big one (Rouge Old Crustacean come on down!). I'll give this one a 2.5 pints out of 5.

Happy Drinking!

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